The Rainbowland Metaverse Distribution

1. NFT nickname *
2. NFT address *
3. DeFi address *
4. Ethereum/Polygon address *
5. E-mail

The Rainbowland Metaverse

Terms and Conditions:

1. NFT nickname - please provide your nickname on marketplace, example: Navajjoo


2. NFT address - please provide your public address of your account on marketplace, example: cro19yus29e9jdzhkwprt0yd9qjs9l0jq0k2xlwvz7 (My profile/Deposit NFT/ Chain - copy address, starting with "CRO")

3. DeFi address - please provide your public address of your account on DeFi wallet, example: cro1yc00g8nas9eazhaq6hs7j9cky8yckgvctc7xcy ( DeFi Wallet/Receive/Cronos/choose Chain address/copy address, starting with "CRO"). 


!!! Please withdraw one, any NFT bought from The Rainbowland Metaverse from NFT marketplace to your DeFi wallet, choose only Chain for withdraw. We need this info to verify ownership of The Rainbowland Metaverse NFTs.


4. Ethereum/Polygon wallet address - any walllet, Rainbow wallet, Trust wallet, Metamask, Uniswap, don't use exchange wallet address, example: 0x8661a720422fB02204389850A2Df90a41e9F2E39


5. E-mail - provide your e-mail, if your want to receive newsletters and special offers


Once you have provided all the necessary details, you will receive your currency distribution based on the quantity and type of NFTs you own from The Rainbowland Metaverse.


  • 10,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT LAND owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT House owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 4,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT AVATAR owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT Asset owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT Crypto Planets owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT Golden Ape owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT Funny Penguins owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)
  • 3,000 $RaVerse coins for each NFT The CryptoAlphabet owned (on Cryptocom NFT Marletplace)


*Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any inaccurately provided information. In the event of incorrect details, there is a possibility of distribution being lost.